Justin ConnellFounder, LifeCycle Gardens

    Justin Connell was a student athlete last fall at SBCC. A fractured vertebrae in his back ended his basketball season, forced him to leave school, and move home in order to rehab and recover from his injury. While at home he began innovating the Garden on Wheelz™, a product that he entered in the Enterprise Launch Competition earlier that year at SBCC and won first place. He entered his concept into the New Venture Challenge in May of 2012 and also took first place. With the $4000 prize money from NVC he began making moves to take his innovative product design into a finished product and bring it to market. He was able to find strategic investors whom he convinced to invest $250,000 for 25% equity, valuing his company at $1M. After securing the investment, he decided to forgo school, for a while, in order to manage the company. He is currently the CEO & Founder of LifeCycle Gardens LLC; his company has recently begun production and is currently developing sales plans and building relationships as he prepares to take the product to market this Spring.

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